Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pengerusi Dong Zhong Nekad Lari Ke Hungary?

Apakah dengan laporan Utusan Online berhubung dengan perletakan jawatan Presiden Hungary ekoran plagiat tesis, akan mendorong perletakan jawatan Pengerusi Dong Zhong Dr Yap Sin Tian?

Kebanyakan media alternatif melaporkan Yap memiliki PHd palsu.

Dalam pada itu, blog Stop The Lies mendedahkan:-
In this case, Dr Yap has not one but TWO faked Ph.ds from this same crappy unaccredited university which has been shut down by the authorities.
We can only say that Dr Yap is a phony man with phony Phd from a phony university. Shame on you!
You are dishonourable. You have brought shame to the Chinese community – so stop bullshitting or talking about defending Chinese education.
Teliti personal resume Pengerusi Dong Zong di bawah,

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