Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jangan Terperanjat Bila MAS Angkat Bendera Putih Pada Tony Fernandes!

Sekarang bukan lagi zaman sentimental. Jadi tidak perlu sentimental value.

Apa guna sentimental value, kalau tidak untung. Mungkin itu yang jadi ukuran KPI. Contoh dalam video di atas. Bila Ramli yang suruh turun tangan, tidak boleh turun tangan kecuali Shukor yang suruh.

Dalam mengejar matlamat KPI, apa kata diletakkan 30% bebanan untuk tanggungjawab sosial dan patriotisme?

Mungkin pada masa itu baru boleh wujud sentimental value!

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia will swap shares in a deal which will see Tan Sri Tony Fernandes become the single biggest shareholder.

Sources said the deal, struck last week after negotiations over the past year, became urgent after MAS' poor showing in the last two quarters.

Fernandes is set to get 20% of MAS equity under the deal that is to be signed next week, with some sources saying it had already received the Government's approval and could be inked by Monday.

Industry players expressed surprise at the deal because of past animosity between the management of the two airlines.

Those who were aware of the negotiations were also surprised at the speed at which it was concluded. [The Star]

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