Monday, July 4, 2011

Anwar Ibrahim & Hadi Awang Satu Sel Di Penjara Sg Buloh Tatkala Mat Sabu Jadi Perdana Menteri!

Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang dan Lim Kit Siang kononnya bersatu untuk membentuk reformasi dalam politik negara?

Sejauh mana realisasi perencanaan politik mereka, kalau masing-masing berlainan ideologi.

Andaikan Anwar terlebih dahulu ke penjara dan ditakdirkan Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia memerintah, tidak mustahil Hadi Awang akan menuruti Anwar di penjara.

Siapakah Perdana Menteri? Semestinyalah Mat Sabu!

Baca petikan artikel berkenaan Syed Qutb dan Ikhwanul Muslimin dalam Revolusi Mesir 1952.
The Ikhwanis’ including Hassan Hudaibi then came to Abdul Nasir, and reminded him of all the conditions they had set before. He was shocked when Abdul Nasir rejected every single condition put forward; he wasn’t going to implement Shari’ah, nor was he goingto help or support the Ikhwan

So Hassan Hudaibi said to Abdul Nasir, “We still accept you as a Reformist movement”. Hassan still saw good in Abdul Nasir, and said; “If you do good – you do so for the people, if not we will advise you and correct you as Allah wills.”

Abdul Nasir still hadn’t exposed his full plans, and so Syed Qutb would meet up with Abdul Nasir and the Officers, and they would discuss how to stay firm on this Revolution without harm coming to them. Syed Qutb would sometimes stay for upto 12 hours a day to discuss the plans with them in detail.

Syed Qutb was still not a member of Ikhwan and still thought well of Abdul Nasir.

Abdul Nasir set up an organisation called ‘Tahreer’ [Freedom], and the reason for this organisation was because the Ikhwan were very active in the field of Da’wah around Egypt. Abdul Nasir knew this, and he wanted to have another organisation which would also be great in number, and oppose the Islamic movement of the Ikhwan. To further strengthen his cause – he would try assassination attempts of major figures in the Ikhwani movement. (An instance occurred where Zainab al Ghazali had a major car accident, and this was done by some of Abdul Nasir’s agents to kill her – especially since she was so influential in the da’wah [Islamic call]. (This account can be read further in her own book ‘Return of the Pharoah ))

Syed Qutb didn’t know this was the plan of Abdul Nasir, so he helped him for a whole month in supporting this movement of Tahreer. After a month he realised that this was an evil plan of Abdul Nasir, so he quickly separated himself from supporting the ‘Tahreer’ organisation.

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