Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am not the man in video, says Malacca Chief Minister

To be frank, it is my fault when my glance reading blindly interprets the headline of The Star report as above. The actual facts are as follows:-

I am not the man in video, says Malacca Chef

PETALING JAYA: A 33-year-old chef, whose Facebook page has been flooded with accusations that he had abused his pet poodle, said he has been a victim of mistaken identity.

“I am not that person in the video. I wouldn’t do such a thing,” the man, known only as Champ Alan, told his accusers.

“I am so fed up and angry,” he said, referring to the postings – including derogatory ones that insulted his mother – which had appeared on his Facebook page since a video clip showing a man using brute force on a dog became widely circulated in cyberspace.

Many people also alleged that the chef’s ex-wife and her partner were responsible for torturing the poodle.

Champ Alan said, however, the woman seen in the picture was not his ex-wife.

He dared his critics to face him in Malacca, putting his handphone number and address on his Facebook page.

He said the man abusing the dog in the video is shirtless, sporting tattos on both arms.

“I do not have tattoos on my arms,” he said, adding that he has tattoos on his neck and shoulder.

“Please come and look for yourself if you don’t believe me,” he said.

He refused to make a police report, although he has been advised to do so.

“I did not do anything wrong,” he said.

Sorry to DS Mohd Ali Rustam, due to my misinterpretation. Don't blame me, as my mind set is now focused on Merlimau state-seat by election!

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